• Sold By: Stryke

    Bio Natures Naturolax Plain Isabgul Flavored Psyllium Husk Powder Natural Laxative 120 gm

    Sold By: Stryke

    Each tea spoonful Naturolax powder contains 3.5gm or each container
    contains 120gm psyllium/ Ispaghula husk.
    The husk and seed of Plantago ovata is commonly known as psyllium or
    ispaghula. Ispaghula has been used as laxative and many other ailments
    of gastrointestinal tract since ancient time. As ispaghula possesses
    demulcent and soothing properties for the gastric and intestinal mucosa
    and hence effective in gastric irritation and ulceration. It also used
    effectively for the treatment of chronic dysentery, diarrhea, IBS and piles.
    Active Ingredients:
    Ispaghula husk contains 70% water soluble and 30 insoluble polysaccharides.
    Active ingredients are-hemicelluloses, Arabinose, Rhamnose, Galacturonic
    acid units (arabinoxylans).
    Mechanism of action:
    The most of the Psyllium reach the caecum within four hours after
    ingestion in anintact and highly polymerized form. Isphaghula increases
    the stool volume significantly and soluble fiber wets & makes a lubricating
    layer around the dry & hard stool. It eases and shortens gastrointestinal
    transit time. Anaerobic fermentation of the soluble non-starch polysaccharides
    from Psyllium seed results in the production of short-chain fatty acids,
    acetate, propionate and butyrate in the intestine. Butyric acid is the
    preferred oxidative substrate for colonocytes and may be helpful in the
    treatment of ulcerative colitis.Ispaghula husk has significant role in
    lowering high blood cholesterol. While isphagula husk is taken it forms a
    complex bond with bile acid in the gut and prevents reabsorption of bile
    salt from the gut hence bile acid is excreted with stools. Our liver continuously
    produces bile acid from blood cholesterol to compensate the deficiency of
    excreted bile acid. So regularly taking Ipaghula lowers excess blood
    Constipation, piles, ulcerative colitis, IBS, hypercholesterolemia and
    Diabetes. As Ispaghula lubricates & eases defecation it is being used in
    condition of cracking of anal orifice, anal fissure, colorectal surgery, colon
    cancer and during pregnancy.
    Dosages & administration:
    Adult: 1 spoonful (supplied) powder 2 to 3 times daily.
    Children (6-12 years of age): ½-1 spoonful (supplied) powder 2 to 3
    times daily. Below 6 years safety is not established.
    Procedure of preparation:
    Add 1 scoop powder with a glass of water/fruit juice (150-200ml) and stirred
    for 5-10 seconds and take instantly or as directed by the physicians. For
    getting better result take immediately after or before main meal.
    Side effect:
    No side effect has been observed in recommended dosage.
    Naturolax is contraindicated to those patients who have intestinal obstruction, narrowing of GI tract, fecal compaction.
    Drug interaction:
    No known significant drug interaction has been observed with Naturolax. The
    dose should be taken 30 t0 60 minutes before or after taking other medications.
    Pregnancy & lactation:
    Safe. No known adverse effect has been observed.
    Cool & dry place and away from direct sunlight. Keep the medicine out of
    the reach of children.
    Commercial pack:
    Each HDPE container 120gm Naturolax powder.

  • Sold By: Stryke

    BIOROSE Fruit Syrup Drink বায়োরোজ ফ্রুট সিরাপ শরবত 750 ml/৭৫০ মিলি

    Sold By: Stryke

    Refresh body & mind
    Biorose is a refreshing and nutritive drink with a pleasant taste. It is prepared from the purest fruit extract. This sharbat is processed under the supervision of experts, followed by cGMP guidelines and scientific principles. Biorose energizes the body instantly and quenches the thirst. It is suitable for all seasons. Biorose is an excellent welcoming drink for guests.


    শরীর ও মন সতেজ করে 

    বায়োরোজ একটি  সুস্বাদু ও পুষ্টিকর পানীয়। ইহা বিশুদ্ধ ফলের নির্যাস সমৃদ্ধ। জি.এম.পি নির্দেশনা ও বৈজ্ঞানিক নীতিমালার যথাযথ অনুসরণের মাধ্যমে বিশেষজ্ঞদের তত্ত্বাবধানে বায়োরোজ শরবত তৈরি হয়। ইহা দেহ ও মনে  প্রশান্তি আনে। বায়োরোজ দেহে তাৎক্ষণিক শক্তি যোগায় ও পিপাসা নিবারণ করে। ইহা সকল ঋতুতে উপযোগী। অতিথি আপ্যায়নের জন্য বায়োরোজ একটি চমৎকার পানীয়।

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